Telegram from Mahatma Gandhi
New Delhi, 2nd April 1939. Posted full reply to your letters. My advice therein is irrespective of Pandit Pant’s Resolution and in view of diametrically opposite views held by two…
Real Hero of India
New Delhi, 2nd April 1939. Posted full reply to your letters. My advice therein is irrespective of Pandit Pant’s Resolution and in view of diametrically opposite views held by two…
Birla House, New Delhi, 2-4-1939. I have yours of 31st March as also the previous one. You are quite frank and I like your letters for the clear enunciation of…
Jealgora, 1st April 1939. Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, May I announce Working Committee 28th and All-India Congress Committee 30th to avoid disturbing Gandhi Seva Sangh Conference dates already announced —Subhas.
New Delhi, 1st April, 1939. Your wire. Fix date that suits you best. I shall accommodate myself to your date. Love—Bapu.
Jealgora, March 31, 1939. My Dear Mahatmaji, I saw your telegram to Sunil which you sent in reply to his long telegram regarding my health. When you wired suggesting my…
Jealgora, 31st March, 1939. Your today’s telegram. From my health viewpoint any day after 20th preferable. Working Committee meets before All India. No objection to Gandhi Seva Sangh Conference meeting…
New Delhi, 31st March 1939. Your letter. Reply to first letter posted yesterday. All India Meeting must have precedence. Procedure rule 2 says emergency meeting requires seven days’ notice which…
New Delhi, 30-3-39. My dear Subhas, I have delayed my reply to your letter of 26th instant for the sake of having your reply to my wire. I got Sunil’s…
My dear Mahatmaji, I received your letter of the 24th instant from the train along with the enclosures. Firstly, my brother Sarat wrote to you on his own. You will…
Jealgora, March 29. My dear Mahatmaji, I shall write to you again within a day or two; meanwhile an urgent matter has cropped up. Shri Narsingh, the Acting General Secretary…